Call Data
Data and metadata can specify template actions that will be parsed and evaluated at every request. Each request gets a new instance of the data. The available variables / actions are:
// CallData represents contextualized data available for templating
type CallData struct {
// unique worker ID
WorkerID string
// unique incremented request number for each call
RequestNumber int64
// fully-qualified name of the method call
FullyQualifiedName string
// shorter call method name
MethodName string
// the service name
ServiceName string
// name of the input message type
InputName string
// name of the output message type
OutputName string
// whether this call is client streaming
IsClientStreaming bool
// whether this call is server streaming
IsServerStreaming bool
// timestamp of the call in RFC3339 format
Timestamp string
// timestamp of the call as unix time in seconds
TimestampUnix int64
// timestamp of the call as unix time in milliseconds
TimestampUnixMilli int64
// timestamp of the call as unix time in nanoseconds
TimestampUnixNano int64
// UUID v4 for each call
UUID string
Template Functions
There are also template functions available:
func newUUID() string
Generates a new UUID for each invocation.
func randomString(length int) string
Generates a new random string for each invocation. Accepts a length parameter. If the argument is <= 0
then a random string is generated with a random length between length of 2
and 16
func randomInt(min, max int) int
Generates a new non-negative pseudo-random number in range [min, max)
You can also use sprig functions within a template.
This can be useful to inject variable information into the message data JSON or metadata JSON payloads for each request, such as timestamp or unique request number. For example:
-m '{"request-id":"{{.RequestNumber}}", "timestamp":"{{.TimestampUnix}}"}'
Would result in server getting the following metadata map represented here in JSON:
"user-agent": "grpc-go/1.11.1",
"request-id": "1",
"timestamp": "1544890252"
-d '{"order_id":"{{newUUID}}", "item_id":"{{newUUID}}", "sku":"{{randomString 8 }}", "product_name":"{{randomString 0}}"}'
Would result in data with JSON representation:
"order_id": "3974e7b3-5946-4df5-bed3-8c3dc9a0be19",
"item_id": "cd9c2604-cd9b-43a8-9cbb-d1ad26ca93a4",
"sku": "HlFTAxcm",
"product_name": "xg3NEC"
See example calls for some more usage examples.
Data Function API
When using the ghz/runner
package programmatically, we can dynamically create data for each request using WithBinaryDataFunc()
func dataFunc(mtd *desc.MethodDescriptor, cd *runner.CallData) []byte {
msg := &helloworld.HelloRequest{}
msg.Name = cd.WorkerID
binData, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
return binData
report, err := runner.Run(
runner.WithProtoFile("./testdata/greeter.proto", []string{}),
Execution of call template functions can be done by setting --disable-template-functions
to true
or by using WithDisableTemplateFuncs(true)
Execution of call data template can be disabled completely by setting --disable-template-data
to true
or by using WithDisableTemplateData(true)